eMatkailu-seminaari matkakohteen johtamisesta ja markkinoinnista: IFITT Finland destination workshop 8.6.2014

Kirjoittanut Juho Pesonen

1. Mikä?
IFITT Finland (http://www.ifitt.org/home/chapters/finland) järjestää Suomenlinnassa Helsingissä 8.6.2014 seminaarin matkakohteen johtamisen ja markkinoinnin uusimmista trendeistä ja keinoista. 

2. Kenelle
Seminaari on tarkoitettu matkailualan yrittäjille, matkailuorganisaatioille, kehittäjille sekä myös matkailualan opettajille ja opiskelijoille. Kaikki aihepiiristä kiinnostuneet ovat tervetulleita kuuntelemaan ja osallistumaan.

3. Miksi?
Seminaari on loistava tilaisuus tavata matkailun verkkoliiketoiminnan asiantuntijoita sekä kuulla mielenkiintoisia esityksiä matkailun verkkoliiketoiminnan viimeisistä tuulista Suomesta ja ulkomailta. Seminaarin kieli on englanti.  

4. Miten?
Ilmoittaudu 5.6.2014 mennessä osallistujaksi osoitteessa https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ifitt-next-generation-doctoral-summer-school-registration-10892241989. Kannattaa olla kuitenkin ajoissa sillä paikkoja on rajoitetusti! Tapahtuman hinta on 10€. Tapahtuma järjestetään IFITT Doctoral Summer Schoolin yhteydessä. Lisätietoja kesäkoulusta löytyy osoitteesta http://www.ifitt.org/home/view/summer_school. 


Sunday 8/06: IFITT Finland destination workshop.

Location: Pajasali, Suomenlinna fortress, Helsinki, Finland

8.30-9.00 Registration and coffee

9.00-9.15 Welcome. Juho Pesonen, UEF, IFITT Finland president and 
Petteri Takkula, Development manager, The Governing Body of Suomenlinna.

9.15-10.00 eTourismCurriculum Finland: e-business skills in tourism and developing national capabilities in eTourism. Juho Pesonen, UEF.

10.00-11.00 eTourism futures and destination competitiveness. Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, Bournemouth University

11.00-12.00 St. Gallen Model for Destination Management. Professor Christian Laesser, University of St. Gallen

12.00-13.00 Panel and discussion: Using ICTs in destination management and marketing now and in the future.

- Juho Pesonen, University of Eastern Finland
- Dimitrios Buhalis, Bournemouth University
- Christian Laesser, University of St. Gallen
- Anna Leikkari, Visitfinland.com
- Petteri Takkula, Development manager, The Governing Body of Suomenlinna.

6. Keynote speakers:
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis is a Strategic Management and Marketing expert with specialisation in Technology and Tourism. He is currently Director of the eTourism Lab at the School of Tourism at Bournemouth University. He is also the former President of the International Federation of Information Technology for Travel and Tourism (IFITT). He previously worked at the Universities of Surrey, Westminster and the Aegean whilst he had visiting appointments at ESSEC in France, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China, University of Aveiro, Portugal, and the Modul University in Vienna, Austria. He is widely regarded as an expert in the impacts of ICTs in the tourism industry, the management of tourism distribution channels as well as in strategic tourism marketing and management. He has recently included accessible tourism in his research portfolio. He has worked around the world and has written 18 books, including Accessible Tourism Concepts and Issues, Best practice in Accessible Tourism, Tourism Business Frontiers and Tourism Management Dynamics published by Elsevier, eTourism: Strategic Information Technology for Tourism published by Pearson (Prentice Hall/Financial Times) and Tourism Distribution Channels (Thomson) and more than 100 articles. 

Professor Christian Laesser is currently Professor of Tourism and Service Management at the University of St. Gallen and Director of the Institute for Systemic Management and Public Governance at the University of St. Gallen, Managing Director of the SBB Lab, Editor-in-chief of „Tourism Review“, member of the board of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (annual conference), Secretary General of AIEST (International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism), Secretary General of the Swiss Association for Transport Sciences, member of a  number of scientific associations. Member in a number of company boards in the tourism industry. Consulting/ research and publishing activities.

Juho Pesonen (PhD) the president of IFITT Finland and head of research in eTourism at the Centre for Tourism Studies in the University of Eastern Finland, teaching E-business in tourism and research practices. His academic interests are in digital marketing, especially online market segmentation and customer profiling, social media use of tourism businesses and customers, as well as mobile technologies and destination online marketing. 
